Wednesday, March 28, 2007

odl blog part 2

104 posts, today, basicaly calling me a fraud becuase steve typoed badly and published a claim that I have eaten his shit of another mans genitals it is incredable that he keeps one digging in deeper and deepr on this subjectI have never met Robeson there fore unles he is contending that some male lover of his got the shit and flew here for oral sex without ever bathing it is quite impoosible for Robeson mistaken claims which he also insists are true, as inists despite evedence that I am convicted sex offender tax cheat cheat welfare fraud and rapistindeed I am becoming concerned that he may indeed snap and I reffering anyone reading my blog as part of investagating my possible death I refer you esp to RRAP and to this older entry in my blog
Posted by mark at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 10, 2006

more about coments
for a blog that it is aleged nobody read it draws a LOT of comments but it seems those comenting are unable to read as the previous note says it is just obsene don't except it to make it through moderationit is also a waste of time to try and fake some feud between me and Todd by forgering 40 plus coments from himyou folks forget that while he is not a friend we lived in the same region for years and know each other somewhat indeed if what I am hearing from the area is correct he dating one my former GFs
Posted by mark at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 03, 2006

a note about coments
while a number of folks insist nobody is coming here and reading the number of coment hiting my email says something elseTis my Blog and My publishing therefore while I beleieve in freespeech I see no reason to assist the libel mongersif the ramrk is just plain offensive plase save yourself the time of writing it and myself the time of not aporving it
Posted by mark at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 02, 2006

an interesting delimia for a kosher Ham
it seem that one way people enage in attacking thee foes these day wit hate blogsIn other notes I have refered to several some targeting my foes others myselfAnew is particularly distruubing one it very targets It frankly disgusts me the Target are in one case a self avowed Neo NAZI who I have no reason do anymorething than maybe give the time and direction to a creatorim I also have no reason to beieve he is jewish a pedophile or any of the restSteve Holstien I know littel of other than he is something of a Homophobe/gay bashing whoose has been accused and either convicted of oor plead to some chagre involed sexaul misconduct.I make this notation in the interest of justice I dounce the obvious fraud involed in the "blog" and enourage anyone that reads these word to go to and flag it as objections able as I also urge you to do int he case of the following I am human enough to put myself first a couple that attack a man I find troughly despictable but clearly mental ill and I wish him left alone so he may have some prayer of become a more noraml humanI realy must find a link to that poem the "they came for the jeews and I was not one...
Posted by mark at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

forging a new RRAP (literaly)
I find it amusing (and seriously pathetic)the ;llentghs my foes will go to tot try and discridit me massvie forgery of my name and call tto the most inane posting. it does affect my ability to get out new messages but that is the state of RRAP most forgery and the pointing out of forgeryoh well at least it silences the insane crying "child molestor" and the rest
Posted by mark at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 12, 2006

intersting the number of forgeies I see
we have in the world many so desperte to jam the messages sent by that will wiati hours upon hours waiting for me to post and then come on with inane grabling fo stuff they claim is mine
Posted by mark at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 23, 2006

another blog I find more worthy of reading I read the blogs in the last defensively to know what is going on out there amoug that clearly wish me harm this blog I enjoy reading alway something interesting
Posted by mark at 1:56 AM 0 comments

interesting the effort of one of my enemies to attack me is a blog that tries to mock me i trhink it reveals more of the authors bigtries than anything about me the Link frequently appears at the end of Usenet posts that people want to claim are mine, they are not I would like to see it go away. it is offensive and use ilgal and coprighted materail (I know Paramount would nut over the way one of the pc from ST is being used)so do vist and flag if you support copyright enforcement are 2 more blogs that realy should be taken they are bothe effort like the spamblog that is alleged flasely to be my handiwork to harrass a ham that Being Wismen an unstable and unpleasent ham I might even say have been the victum of Roger's attack for more than a year that he deserves to be attacked but what he needs is mental health care
Posted by mark at 1:49 AM 0 comments

new policy on coments
you may indeed coment on the blog but all coments will moderated by ME so if you coment consit die you lazy fuckers or something along those line do yourself a kindness and don't botherI realy don't care if you coment or not but I will not allow my blog of which I am of course part of the publishing house to be used for libeling me soory if that senible policy offends anybody ( and the preceeding statement is a lie for Politieness sake since if you intend to use try and harrass me through my blog then I rather hope you are offended that I will not let you
Posted by mark at 1:38 AM 0 comments

some interesting otes about one of the latest annymouses to atack me in rrap
it is interesting that he come making claims from QRZ a ham site torRRAP also a ham site but isn't not a ham himself accroding to the FCCthere are 80 Steinmetz's in the data base no charles p the only 2chrales are comercail license holdes chrales eand charles rbut no chrales p at allsome much for his claims to be honest and accroding to steve hetherefore can't be trusted in hthe claims he was makeing to be ageo-physisit as wellit is interesting that he chooses this obviously attack likely he is a ahm but afraid to give his true name or call but why?
Posted by mark at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Banned from
there is the truth and there iar elis It seems on QRZ it is now ok to tell lies and to ban the truthful calling pfoilks on lying
Posted by mark at 7:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

one down and one to to go
the FCC relesesed othe R&O it claimed it was waiting for in order to issue the code test R&Oso we will see
Posted by mark at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006

well rrap continues his spining around
SC leading tthe charge with woger along for the ride robeson quiting the feild it seems
Posted by mark at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

on speling and spelling Nazi's
some of the RRApp corwd seem to bitch unendingly about the fact I spell poorly and indeed some claim that my spelling justifies somehow threats to kill and falsely accusing me of child molesting an Rapeone having been threatened with murder if i don't spell better i make a point of refusingtwo leaving the stuff here unedited is easierand three it makes it (according tot he standards of the ProCoders) more valuble to you the reader by making you work for it too many authories just give the conet away
Posted by mark at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

ore from the filth monger of RRAP
"What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man'sgenitals"sayth Robeson
Posted by mark at 2:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 28, 2006

newest Robeson Meltdown
Steve likes posting "liar liar pants on fire" normaly as he is telling or reteling his lies. I simply looking for a different say Robeson is liar by asking him if Amy (his wife) was fireproof after all if the liars pant were on fire she would be in dangerwell Robeson has (or prenteds to) claim thatI have trheatened to assault her by arson.I have to believ he is just faking outrage it seems even beyond Robeson's normal insanityin any event he chooses to brazen out this latest
Posted by mark at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 21, 2006

newplayers in RRAP
a gruop looks like teen twenties and wannbe that age has decided to respond to Wismenand Robesons effort to be trolish and desend on RRAPthere antics other than reinforcing my long held fearsfor the world sanityare mosltly harmless alothoutgg h I guess I am suposed to be "humilated by someone pointing my rotten spelling and that sometimes in dealing with trolls I go in for trying to bore them into silencenot realy surealelegely they intend to inflict this on me for several weeks and then move on
Posted by mark at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 03, 2006

this sort of sick game is what hams have come to
Path:!!!!usenet From: No Bounce nobounce...@nogood.moc> Newsgroups:, Subject: KB9RQZ howls at the moon and only a bogus QRP station answers Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 01:01:02 +0000 (UTC) Organization: Moon Bounce Failure Detectives Lines: 15 Message-ID: <965476547.65438870@nogood.moc> References: <> <>On 3 Aug 2006 14:50:26 -0700, an old freind > NO9GL wrote: > > After RATBASTARDS at arrl revealed lots of bootleg stations are faking > > moon bounce by useing qrp transmitters and sending faked calls, that > > means most moonbnce QSOs are bogus. We discusing how to tell bogus > > bounced signals from real bounced signals so contacts count. Join us > > in usual place starting 23:00 UTC. You have been taken in by the oldest scam in ham radio. Your logs mean nothing because you never did moonbounce after all and just talked to a guy with a 100 mw qrp rig somewheres nearby. We are all laughing at you.once upon a time hams were helpfull to newcommers
Posted by mark at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

what ever has happened to Hams
I First wrote a couple of week I stil basicaly stand by it. I have made at leaest a few contacts most likely before the jammer/bootlegger came on I beleive if I find I can't confrim any of them I am confident that my gear will do EME (in an effort ot work split I did "hear" echo of another qso meaning I can rea dhte largest stations and surley based on the eme literure I can make an eme contact even through such interference I ham seting up a sked to wrok in split mode with neither frq known to other till later in an effort to asure myself I have done what I set out to doIn response to my claim of my first EME contact someone in RRAP came back with "I doubt you can caluate the pathloos on an EME path (or words to that effect)You know what I can't calualte that path lossIndeed I would discourage anyone from trying to calculate it before trying the path what I have heard about those numbers is pretty discouragingWhy can I make such a contact when other say they can't or that I can't?simple becuase I always KNEW I would, from the first monet I heard of EME contact which was from a question on Tech test back in 97 ( I had heard a few days ebfore that No Code License existed I ordered the study but it arrived only the VE session so I tired the test cold KNOWING I would pass it then or next week or..) at the monent knowing nothing more than that such a contact was possible with my license I swore I would make one (or more)I read the about the mode in detail and soon (in 97) realize I would likely have to wait awhile to keep that vow, but from time to time I renewed my efforts at first in data gathering a new milestone 2004 when I heard about the results with JT modes I began to pracetice with the early ones in terestial contact then last winter I learn of current jt65b mode and the details of the power and anttenna requiement abit of agonizing over wether I wanted to work with crushcrafts 31 foot 17b2 that I KNEW would work but that I have trouble steer or keeping safe in our harsh winters or the 13b2 I thought might work (and it did work like a charm, which it is in some sense of course) figuring I could always use it in terrestial modes and that I could later phase it with a second one and be assured of sucess thenbut ALWAYS in mind was the KNOWLEDGE and assurance that I WOULD suceed and that even if I had failed now it was merely a lesson learned , part of paying my dues as it wereI knew I would one day be able to do itI know anybody reading reading these words can do EME if they poccess 2 thingsthe will to reach for the Moonthe confindence to not count the obstaclesYou have MY call on it KB9RQZ (sone to be /AE)if you can't the data drop me a comment here or
Posted by mark at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Deadly Force Michigan and me
Amusing the way those that claim I am a nonenity are always trying to advance the notion I am not allowed to defend myself with deadly forceone can read it in the link but the readers degist abridged version amounts that wether or not the Castle doctrines apllies in a given (recent impending changes expand the castle doctrne in Michigan BTW acitizen who is not the agressor is only required to retreat from a dangerous sitution in event he SAFELY do so. I point out in RRAP RRCB that I am able to walk easily and thus I would argue if one of these nuts jobs forced me to by getting himself shoot on my land that my ability to safely retreat is seriously limited if it exists at all, and second the threshold to cause me bodilyharm is lower than most becuase of the same health problemsin short since I have been forced to think i conclude that If come accroos a vandal on my land barring his imediate flight I will quickly exaust any option I have not to use force esp deadly force should it be at my disposal (after all I can't put ma shotgun if since he can better move to take and use it against and I can't enage in hand to hand combat to restrain the Vandal without serious risks to both of us)
Posted by mark at 1:42 AM 0 comments
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Magnified and sanctified be God’s great Name in the world created according to Divine Will. Amen And may the Holy One rule the kingdom in your lifetime and in your days and in the lifetime of the entire house of Israel, speedily and in the near future, and let us say: Amen May God’s great Name be blessed forever and for all eternity. Blessed and praised and glorified and exalted and uplifted and honored and elevated and extolled be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be. Above all the blessings, hymns, praises and consolations which we utter in the world, and let us say: Amen May ther be abundant peace from heaven and life for us and all Israel, and let us say: Amen May the One who makes peace in the heavens make peace for all of us and for all of Israel and for the whole world, and let us say: Amen

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