Wednesday, March 28, 2007

archive of old blog part 1

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I wish Dloyd would make upo his mind
I wish Dloyd would make up his mind. one day he is demanidng I cease and deist all posting the next he is inviteing me to continue inflicting inflicting on him an experence he considers as bad as being falsely accused of analy raping my old man and my old having to endure question on such a topic
Posted by mark at 6:51 PM 2 comments

is Dloyd a chil or just acting like one
he insist or demands or whatver word you like I prefrom actions heagree are impossiblehe claims the right to harm in the offline world if I do not managethese things he conceeds are aimpossiblehe post statement atht can be read as claiming when OTHER takes offline such he he apears to have it is likely criminalhe claims to be expempt for any harm himself if performs acts againstme he agress are imposible and likely ilegalhe claim that he may in effect yell "fire" in a crowded room when nofire is presenthe claims he has no responibility for the result of HIS action andthat I am repsoinble for mineGod I must say the man does lok more and more like robeson by the postmeanwhile I have evidence of his possible involvment in a securitybreahs against ME, at a sitie where the stolen data resided the listhe published the unlisted unpublished phone that was compromised, andthe credit cards that were compromised all at about the same timehe claims protection in making flase claim about the authorship of ofEmail he received (alleges to have receieve in all afirness) butbecause he "not a forensic IT" guy he is free of respobility, bu thatI must have these skills before I assume that what apears to be truemight be truemeanwhile I am left with cleaning up the mess and paying the expensesinvoled in dealing with these matters
Posted by mark at 8:42 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

is Dloyd pissed I have not changed my sig line on my terranews posting
http://kb9rqz.blogspot.comstealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptableDloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroistit goes out everytime I post on terranews at this it will continue until I chose to stop or the cyber terroist calling himself "Dloyd Lavies" is caught, or I choose to rewrite it bassed on further thoughtDloyd likes to claim that seeking the id of my attacker is somehow stalking hmhe is of course free to pursue that legal theory with LE if he likes but I dount he has the guts to talk to LE anywhere
Posted by mark at 9:02 PM 0 comments

Dloyd latest two faced shit
Mark is once again continuing with his tirade of stalking and actuallybelieves that I would waste my time suing him. I've said multipletimes that he is not worth suing because he doesn't have anything ofvalue. He is a pauper at best. I would be better off litigatingagainst a homeless person, at least they can pan handle and obtainsome kind of income. Nevertheless, we see how Mark is a man of hiswords, he tells me to take down my blog (which I did, but not becausehe said) and to not post about him, which I didn't, yet here he is, asusual he proves.....well you know.And since he started this for today, I had to laugh when I saw one ofhis posts begging everyone to come over on his boring blog and postsome comments, he sounds like Lloyd. He is so needy isn't he. He wasso needy for attention he even sent me an email to my gmail account.What a light of this statement on you blog(you blog goes up and down like a Yo Yo Dloyd)In consideration of the recent situation on RRAM and RRAP, and threats of death and blackmail received by me. I was advised to archive my two blogs pending possible further litigation and approval of protectionary "John Doe" status before proceeding in this matter. So at this time I have suspended my blogs until further noticeI have stated I will remainVilgilant anagist Dloyd unwisely deciding to continue his campiagn of teror against me and mineI am I aawiait the unlike event that Dloyd is truly seeking somekind of John doe stautashe is presently John Doe and thus can't be the the recepinat of an actionable threatIndeed I can no more in legal terms threaten him to kill him at this point than I can threaten to kill Capt Kirk of the Enterprise
Posted by mark at 8:41 PM 0 comments

well the "sweat lord is making a feeble repost course I never sent any such email to Dloyd indeed I have never sent any emailI guess he is infact too stupid to stop his stlaking just give thes cops more data to work with
Posted by mark at 7:43 PM 0 comments

dloyd backs down? or is taken down?
hard to say but his attack blog are 404s righthttp://worldofdloyd.blogspot.com show down as of right now if reader should discover a change in the status of these blogs I would welcome conact at this blog or by what ever means you felt most comforatble withLike the GW Bush and WH et al on the Iraqi troop surge I am hesant to claim sucess, but I do report that all the signs are looking always I stand vigilant and prepared to respond massively against any cyber attacker. I belive in the policy of Massive Response
Posted by mark at 11:39 AM 0 comments

a blog entry that Dloyd seems to have forgetten he made"I decided to rename the blog. I read some posts concerning the past actions of some in regard to Mark Morgan. Personally, my opinion is to keep it on the net, period. Unless someone is breaking the law, there really is no need to interfere with anyone beyond the net. Once you cross that line and start interferring with people's personal lives, it just takes the fun out of the whole thing. Furthermore, that type of behavior is probably illegal, uncalled for, and IMO malicious. I believe some have crossed the line. So I decided to refrain from directly commenting about Mark Morgan, he gets enough grief already. However, I will still monitor everybody's favorite wacky racist and religious host, Lloyd Davies."highlights added by me Dloyd clearly see the sort of behavoir he enaged as criminal at least when other people enage in it
Posted by mark at 12:53 AM 2 comments

Dloyd allows his blog to used to attack me and claims he is not doing so
Not Cocksucker Lloyd said...
Markie's confessional:Mark gives his preference for tube steak in"I am bi and I prefer a cock"He admits to following another man, stalking him in"sure I followed him"Mark is as spineless as a clam in"I am prefectly clam"More family secrets:"My brther is a homosexaul"Mark admits getting raped by another man in the Army"yes i did"
as can be seen Dloyd allows his blog to used to harras meon the web
Posted by mark at 12:40 AM 0 comments

Dloyd you have no cause to talk about harasment'll be qoting from this blog post shortly but first just looks it "markmorgan sucks" and he dares to speak of me harrasing him for objecting to his bloghis claims he did not invite or induce me to hsi blog he named after me"and you are even welcome to post coment on my blog"certainly looks an invation to mehe claims that he harrased when I sek to learn the real name behind the false front that has stolen data and spread it acorss the net about my wifehe think he steal and harrass people and recieve nothing in turnhis obejection to my RRAP posting is that I refuse to to not opose his effort to harrass me thereI post to USENET I have that right so does he, what does does not have the right to too is escalate the situtaion and demand I do nothing in responseDloyd has decided he wants a war well so be it " it takes but one side to breed a war" JJR Tolkien "the return of the king vol 3 Lord of the Ringsanother famous quote aas I can't recall whom "if this be treason make the most of it""who therefore thinks that you can kill (commit murder), without provication"most people would think that stealing from someone and attack their wives would provacation also Dloyd has serious langauge issues he can't seem to grasp the difference betwen murder and self defense perhaps his aleged lawyer can explain this to him but I doubt it. I have and continue to wonder if this ain't Robeson he at least has most of the same ideas"Once again I am demanding that you cease all harrassment of me and threats of death."agin this shows the delusional nation of the Subject Dloyd he can't accept the notion I have the ame rights as himself since he chooses to attack me I will contiu e to seek out his real name and loctation only that way acan I access what legal options I have. He is obessed and confused over the meaning a statement It may be possible to kill withi n the law depending on the exact circumtstances. he also over looks that his renlentless attacks against that have taken a general escalating pattern might well allow to threaten deadly force even if I could not empoly it, additional he odismisses the fact to be ilgeal the threat has be something I can do. the FBI states that Robeson can make his death threats because it is not crediable that he would travel from tn to here to effect the deed how much less credible is the "threat" I will kill dloyd without knowing anything about his name location or even with any certainy his gender I would be reduced to traveling from to house asking are you Dloyd and being prepared to shoot anybody that said yes ( gee that sounds like something out Good Morning Veitnam almost a Robbin Willaims line)
Posted by mark at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 26, 2007

the root deiference betwen me and Dloyd>"I don't want to take any action against you. I've repeatedly told you what the problem is, yet >you won't admit your problem of hijacking my threads and altering my topics. I tried to leave you >alone, but you insisted on harrassing me and stalking me on the groups. Now I just gave you a >very small, and I stress very small taste of what I have the ability to accomplish. I advise you to >leave me alone and stop commenting on my posts. You want to continue to act like an a-hole? >That is your option" I have never demanded that Dloyd cease posting although I have sugested that deep sixing the dloyd moniker would be an optionI have never dispurted the right of the person behind the dloyd nick to post. I never willwhat I dispute and what he threatens further action based on is his demand I stop comenting on his posts or else.that is the problem dloyd demands I submit to blackmail. he insists my right to post is lessoer in some fashion to his own and he threatens further criminal action against me and my wife if I don't submit to such
Posted by mark at 8:15 PM 0 comments

posibly a dup but an example of dloyds work, March 26, 2007Mark stop the threats.Mark Morgan, Amateur Radio Call Sign KB9RQZ, of Chassell, Michigan, stop threatening me. I don't want you posting on my blog and implying on the news groups that you are going to murder me. I demand that you stop any and all harrassment in accordance with the cyber stalking laws of Michigan, which prohibit such practice.The follow excerpts from your posts clearly show that you want to kill me and is implying the use of deadly force."stalk you I love have the chance""I will make you pay for if I ever get the chance""I will seek to make [you] suffer""feel I might even have the right to use deadly force""I will take the braodest and most violent to your person""threat of death promises of death""I want you dead without even knowing your name""I can kill you out of hand">You were the one who brought up killing someone.< "Indeed I did"Mark has clearly and repeatedly threatend my life. I have demanded that he cease (Stop) his harrassment and death threats upon me in accordance with the anti-stalking laws of the state of Michigan.Posted by Dloyd Lavies Sweat Lord at 4:19 AM 11 comments:Andy the Perv Timberlake said...Not to worry, fat faggot Marqueer is too big of a pussy to actually do anything but murder the English language in his moronic blatherings.March 26, 2007 5:18 AM kb9rqz-1 can want you like Dloydbut as long as you keep stlaking and harrassing with these blogs and you attacks on amazon and god knows where else by now you are stuck with the war you created You can delete this remark of course, I will echo this all on my blogbut you expressly invited me here to coments on your effort to harrass me on USENET and the rest of the interent after all what is next Dloyd an attack at our ecomerce site where my wife makes her living?I have stoped the phone calls by changing the number a pain and money out of MY pocket becuase of YOUR stalking, but is the next step using her freinds list to attack her network of suppilers, freinds and customers?I'd like to know just so I can plan my weekMarch 26, 2007 2:42 PM kb9rqz-1 said...Dloyd would like the phomes to complain about my actions? I will happily provide you with themyou have in this edit job which ocoursed as I was writing my comentadded a series of out of context quotes but let me help youI will use any force at my legal disposal to stop your harrassmentI am of the opinion that such legal do include deadly force oud]nder certain condictionsMarch 26, 2007 2:47 PM Dloyd Lavies Sweat Lord said...I never posted anyone's phone number, all I posted was the wedding list to discredit your "many friends" claim, and noted that you tried to cover up some racey fem to fem book. If someone got your phone number you better look elsewhere for the culprit, because I don't even have your number, and never wanted it.March 26, 2007 2:59 PM Dloyd Lavies Sweat Lord said..."at our ecomerce site" Didn't know you had one. See this is one of your problems, you can't keep your personal business private. Now some are going to go out and try to find your e-commerce account. I told you once I will tell you again, my only problem with you is you won't stop stalking me and crapping on my threads. IF YOU WOULD HAVE LEFT ME ALONE, none of this would have happened, but I am not going to take your death threats and harrassment lying down."stlaking and harrassing with these blogs" The main reason this blog exists is because this is the only place someone can post where you can't hijack people's thoughts. Here I can moderate you and keep you at bay.March 26, 2007 3:06 PM kb9rqz-1 said...never said you posted the number I said you obtained it and used itMarch 26, 2007 3:08 PM kb9rqz-1 ecomerace is not my personal bussness it my livehood, beside the site was already under attack so I disclosed nothing, as we both knowDloyd oh whining one repling to your publicaly posted USENET is not stlaking in and of itself. it simply part of how the USENET worksyour demands I refrain from repling to your posts or else is extortion Dloyd a crime. your online existance it would seem would one long cyber crime against anyone that dares displese youyou want to settle matters go to the cops and tel them as result of your posting private info about somebody they are after you have them contact houghton county sheriff and we can settle thisyou can take it lying down or notMarch 26, 2007 3:14 PM Dloyd Lavies Sweat Lord said...kb9rqz-1 said... never said you posted the number I said you obtained it and used it That is a lie without any proof whatsoever. If someone called you it was not me.For the last time stop posting here, I do not want any contact with anyone who promotes murder for something as stupid as posting their thoughts on the internet!March 26, 2007 3:16 PM Dloyd Lavies Sweat Lord said...kb9rqz-1 said, you want to settle matters go to the cops and tel them as result of your posting private info about somebody they are after you have them contact houghton county sheriff and we can settle this you can take it lying down or not...Why would I contact them, obviously they refused to assist you with this matter.March 26, 2007 3:22 PM kb9rqz-1 said...I have contacted them and they are working on it dDloyd your security is pretty good as you boastMarch 26, 2007 4:30 PM kb9rqz-1 said...for the last time you mean for the 10th or 15th time Dloyd come admit it you are sitting there laughing about what you have done if you were not geting what you wanted you would stop me from posting here or delte them you are geting exactly what you wantbut learn the difference between killing in self defense and murder learn the difference between promoting something ans stating what is legalif you want no contact with me then enforece you wishes stop me stop harrassing here on your blogs and on USENETyou don't get me to stop caonatcing you and investagating your id b attacking my wife or by stealing data from usMarch 26, 2007 4:35 PM
Posted by mark at 7:35 PM 0 comments

more of the stalking of the morgans by Dloyd Morning After.....After Markie went nuts last night, and changed all the posting headers, I hope he is feeling better this morning. I also see that Markie promptly deleted his wedding registry, but it was too late for that, the truth came out anyway.However, I believe that it wasn't the posting of the wedding registry that set him off. I believe that it is because I may have discovered another one of Markie's family secrets, which I won't say here, but based upon a book that his wife earmarked, it certainlly explains why Mark would get upset if the truth came out. Not only did Markie delete the wedding registry, he also strangely deleted any reference to this book, which suggest that he was trying to conceal this information.The book is named, Rhapsody : To Touch the Face of the Goddess (Spiral-bound) by F.R.R Mallory aka Mistress Steel (Author). One book reviewer commented that, "I find Rhapsody an altogether different take on the usual Fem-Fem erotica being published today."Now why would Markie want to conceal that his wife had an interest in this book with a story line based upon female to female erotica, unless.....BTW Markie I know you are bound to read this. I didn't "hack" into anything, your wife put this information out there in the public domain. I think you need to go over to RRAM and RRAP, post an apology, and say that you were wrong and lied when you called me a thief. Furthermore, Gav, if your are reading this, maybe you can talk some sense into you wacky husband, tell him to leave other people alone, because if he had, none of this would have came to fruition.Dloyd
Posted by mark at 6:24 PM 0 comments

another open letter to the enity calling himself "Dloyd Lavies"
You have the abilty to effectively stop me from taking anyaction aganist as in effective as any such action are presently, you operate from behind you wall of proxy and falsenames etc. I do not I live in open and I stand therfore behind my words and actions.It is not a crime to want to kill you and your cadre of stalkers, this a fortunenate for the liberals that so desperately seem to want the president dead. One can even express such desires openly.If one asumes you are truely just a fool that has blunged into the 10 years effort of Robeson, Wismen et all to stalk and harrass then prehaps you should take a lession that you need to know you enemy before you enage him this advice "know your eneimy know yourself and Victory shal be thine" is from SinTzu the art of war (don't have date this was written handy)Under the Recently enacted "Castle Doctrine Laws of the state of Michigan I or anyone may use deadly force in defense of oneself in excerising one right to be where one lawfully has right to be. As I understand the matter that would certainly include the USENET. I further opine that I may most any method short of deadly force to defend that right. This I have done. this I will continue I am prepared to submit to due process of law.I further opine that under the legal theory I must retreat where possible to avoid a confrontation poir to using deadly that prevailed in Mich till the new laws were enacted, well given that I can't move out of his way even by retreating completely off line, this does not stop his contiued ferreting out of info about me anf my wife and myfamily and spreading his effort to alrger and larger realms, thus I conclude if it were found that I was subject to some other juristction where retreat if possible was the rule since I can not reat or avoid Dloyd Effort against my wifes account my phone number and internet access that retreat is not an issue and if threatened I may peotencaily use deadly force against "dloyd""dloyd" OTOH can reatreat and avoid me entirely since he has sheileded his existance to point I can't find who he is, he can simply shut down and leave and thus he can disengag e where the Honest man can't
Posted by mark at 5:52 PM 0 comments

Dloyd whining while contiuing hsi stalking ways stop the threats.Mark Morgan, Amateur Radio Call Sign KB9RQZ, of Chassell, Michigan, stop threatening me. I don't want you posting on my blog and implying on the news groups that you are going to murder me. I demand that you stop any and all harrassment in accordance with the cyber stalking laws of Michigan, which prohibit such practice.The follow excerpts from your posts clearly show that you want to kill me and is implying the use of deadly force."I will make you pay for if I ever get the chance""I will seek to make [you] suffer""feel I might even have the right to use deadly force" "I will take the braodest and most violent to your person""threat of death promises of death""I want you dead without even knowing your name""I can kill you out of hand">You were the one who brought up killing someone.< "Indeed I did"Mark has clearly and repeatedly threatend my life. I have demanded that he cease (Stop) his harrassment and death threats upon me in accordance with the anti-stalking laws of the state of Michigan. Posted by Dloyd Lavies Sweat Lord at 4:19 AM 2 comments:Andy the Perv Timberlake said...Not to worry, fat faggot Marqueer is too big of a pussy to actually do anything but murder the English language in his moronic blatherings.March 26, 2007 5:18 AM kb9rqz-1 can want you like Dloydbut as long as you keep stlaking and harrassing with these blogs and you attacks on amazon and god knows where else by now you are stuck with the war you created You can delete this remark of course, I will echo this all on my blogbut you expressly invited me here to coments on your effort to harrass me on USENET and the rest of the interent after all what is next Dloyd an attack at our ecomerce site where my wife makes her living?I have stoped the phone calls by changing the number a pain and money out of MY pocket becuase of YOUR stalking, but is the next step using her freinds list to attack her network of suppilers, freinds and customers?I'd like to know just so I can plan my weekDloys added the out context quotes as I was posting to his blog and I added theseDloyd would like the phomes to complain about my actions? I will happily provide you with themyou have in this edit job which ocoursed as I was writing my comentadded a series of out of context quotes but let me help youI will use any force at my legal disposal to stop your harrassmentI am of the opinion that such legal do include deadly force oud]nder certain condictionsMarch 26, 2007 2:47 PM
Posted by mark at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 25, 2007

it is interesting thmy blog which....
according to many is never read is so often quoted on RRAP it is flatering realy my loyal "afns" hanging on my everyword
Posted by mark at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 24, 2007

an open letter to Dloyd Lavies Coward and stalker and thief
I have said you were wise to conceal yourself, In that you have proven me correct as you comit another outrage an Out rage showing you are No man but a beast, and a pretyy low one at that.You should also count yourself as furunate that we no longer live under the code deulleo, although if we did I fancy you would never dare such outrages or that you would have fallen on the filed of honnor long before we ever met.You dare to speak to me of being imoral when you steal from MY wife as you have like the rest of the anti Mark RRAPer are not man enough to keep your disputes with Online and between US you go after my wives property and privacy as well.I name you what you are a trator for your vert acts agains the blessing and liberty Our founding fathers sought to insure us as american, against the scrafices and serivce rendered by our veterans past and presentIn your blog you call yourself slime lord, in that it seems you typed the truth you are a slime lord
Posted by mark at 11:26 PM 2 comments

more evedence of cyber stalking
Path:!!!not-for-mailFrom: "Dloyd Lavies" Newsgroups:, Re: only in your dreams wogerDate: 24 Mar 2007 18:03:24 -0700Organization: 366Message-ID: <>References: <><><><><>NNTP-Posting-Host: 1.0Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"X-Trace: 1174784605 7208 (25 Mar 2007 01:03:25 GMT)X-Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.comNNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:03:25 +0000 (UTC)In-Reply-To: <>User-Agent: G2/1.0X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)X-HTTP-Via: HTTP/1.1 (Velocity/1.3.32 [uScMs f p eN:t cCMp s ]), HTTP/1.1 Turboweb [mtc-tc111 8.4.1], HTTP/1.1[400C7506] (Traffic-Server/6.1.5 [uScM])Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.comInjection-Info:; posting-host=;posting-account=44lSvgwAAABvHYUREW4nSq_tyQTQBSmtOn Mar 24, 6:38?pm, wrote:>>small wonder>>that he has no friends.> gee that will come as news to my friends your pronoucement they don't> exist>Well your friends didn't even think enough of you to buy you and Gavany decent wedding gifts, except two stupid cheap ass knife sets and afew books. Some friends. LOL Apparently, Markie has a real hard onfor Steven Segal, check out the crappy movies he wanted. Ha Ha...Mark Morgan and Gavrielah HojnackiCOUPLE: Gavrielah C L Hojnacki and Mark C MorganWEDDING DATE: 4/27/2002SHIPPING ADDRESS: Gavrielah Hojnacki - Illiopolis, ILSort by: Product Category Price (low to high) Price (high to low)Priority (high to low) Purchase StatusSmall Appliances PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDKitchenAid KGPA Mixer Attachment Pack for Stand MixersPrice: $99.99KitchenAidIn StockNice to have 1 Number recieved 0KitchenAid KSM150PSWH Artisan Series 5-Quart Mixer, WhitePrice: $199.99KitchenAidIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0KitchenAid GMA Grain Mill Attachment for Stand MixersPrice: $87.88KitchenAidOffered by EtronicsIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0KitchenAid FVSP Fruit and Vegetable Strainer Parts for Food GrinderPrice: $40.99KitchenAidIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Back to topKnives & Cutting Boards PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDPurchased ItemsFarberware 14-Piece Knife Set with Block Nice to Have1 2PurchasedBack to topKitchen Accessories PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDKitchenAid KPRA Pasta Roller Attachment for Stand MixersPrice: $99.99KitchenAidIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Back to topDinnerware PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDPfaltzgraff Grapevine Salt and Pepper SetPrice: $17.99PfaltzgraffOffered by Mega ChinaIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Back to topOther Kitchen PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDPfaltzgraff Yorktowne Ceramic Salt & Pepper SetProgressive InternationalNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0 This item is currently unavailable.See similar itemsBack to topMedia PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDThe Glimmer ManPrice: $9.49DVD ~ Steven SeagalIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0The PatriotDVD ~ Steven SeagalNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Exit WoundsPrice: $9.99DVD ~ Steven SeagalIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Fire Down BelowPrice: $9.98DVD ~ Steven SeagalIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Brother Cadfael, Set 4 (The Pilgrim of Hate / The Holy Thief / ThePotter's Field)VHS ~ Eoin McCarthyNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Brother Cadfael Series 1 Box Set: The Sanctuary Sparrow, OneCorpse Too Many, Monk's Hood and The Leper of St. GilesVHS ~ Eoin McCarthyNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Brother Cadfael Series 3 Box Set: The Rose Rent, A Morbid Tastefor Bones, and The Raven in the ForegateVHS ~ CadfaelNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Brother Cadfael Series 2 Box Set: The Devil's Novice,St. Peter'sFair and The Virgin in the IceVHS ~ Eoin McCarthyNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Woman Called GoldaVHS ~ Ingrid BergmanNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & VegetablesPrice: $10.17by Mike Bubel (Author), Nancy Bubel (Author)In StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0The Modern Homestead ManualPrice: $12.95by Skip Thomsen (Author), et al (Author)In StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Purchased ItemsFour-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden AllYear Long 1 1 PurchasedConstructing Medieval Furniture: Plans and Instructions WithHistorical Notes 1 1 PurchasedMedieval Furniture: Plans and Instructions for HistoricalReproductions 1 1 PurchasedBack to topTools, Hardware & Outdoor Living PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDMakita BO4562 Finishing SanderMakitaNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0 This item is currently unavailable.See similar itemsBlack & Decker RO600K Sandstorm 3-in-1 SanderBlack & DeckerNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0 This item is currently unavailable.See similar itemsKraft Texture Gun with Hopper #PC501Price: $59.35Kraft Tool Co.In StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Delta 22-565 12-1/2-Inch Planer with StandDeltaNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0 This item is currently unavailable.See similar itemsDelta 36-560 Deluxe Table Saw PackageDeltaNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0 This item is currently unavailable.See similar itemsPrazi USA PR-2000 Beam CutterPrice: $139.99Prazi USAIn StockNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Cheeter 10101 Crosscut Saw GuidePrice: $14.99CheeterIn stock soon. Order now to get in line. First come, first served.Nice to have 1 Number Purchased 0Ryobi 510R 4-Cycle Yard & Garden CultivatorRyobiNice to have 1 Number Purchased 0 This item is currently unavailable.See similar itemsBack to topOther PRIORITY DESIRED RECEIVEDThermos Gas Grill - Quick Set 4000Thermos Company Number Purchased 0
Posted by mark at 10:44 PM 0 comments

well the lastest from the world of stupid people
over at Nimbusters ( the latest things is to post fake death threats under other peoples name at various sites across the netI support free speech but this osrt of thing is what will kill it in this nation, if anything does
Posted by mark at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

bizzare new attack
not at all sure what to make of this crap I found in my in boxBlog Owner has sent you a link to a blog: Well, now it appears that I own your blog. Go figure! While I send incriminating email from here in your name, I'm going to let you keep it. Change your password all you want and I will still own this blog. Ain't payback a bitch? Blog: accouts of Kosher ham Post: just preserving a death threat incase I need to reference it Link: --Powered by Blogger PI(a,b){document.move._HMaction.value=adocument.move.tobox.value=bdocument.move.submit()}function HM(l){G('/cgi-bin/HoTMaiL?'+l)}function GM(l){G("/cgi-bin/getmsg?"+l)}function MP(l){G(l+"&msg=MSG1173313188.12&start=475839&len=2774&curmbox=F174446842&a=f5fd02898d37c8a4729f3f6d1c1e1cebaadfd46480259ebc98c1c64587418d78")}function S(t,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){G('/cgi-bin/'+t+'?msg='+a+'&start='+b+'&len='+c+'&mfs='+d+'&cmd='+h+'&lastmsgid='+e+'&msgread='+f+'&etype='+g+'&wo='+i)}function DB(a){frm.action="/cgi-bin/kill?a=f5fd02898d37c8a4729f3f6d1c1e1cebaadfd46480259ebc98c1c64587418d78&"frm.ReportLevel.value=afrm._HMaction.value=afrm.submit()}var frm=document.blockfunction FwdScan(){MP('/cgi-bin/compose?type=f')}.HT {padding-top:5px}.TH{border:0px;cell-spacing:0px;margin:0px;width:100%}.TH TD{padding-bottom:3px}.LH {padding-bottom:5px;white-space:nowrap}TT, PRE {font-size:12px}From :Assembly Wizard Sent :Thursday, March 8, 2007 12:19 AMTo :kb9rqz konstans@hotmail.comSubject :Re: accouts of Kosher ham : just preserving a death threat incase I need to refer...holdInboxkb9rqz wrote:kb9rqz has sent you a link to a blog: Donot make me add your harasment to myb log entry. stop it now ashole or esle. Blog: accouts of Kosher ham Post: just preserving a death threat incase I need to reference it Link: -- Powered by Blogger Idiot, you made my spamfile ... byeNIM Admin has sent you a link to a blog: Guess whose blog this really is? When the new NIM Busters software is installed, you will be permanently banned. You shouldn't have driven Lloyd away. Blog: IPunce Post: I PART TIME THSPEIAN IN OWN RIGHT Link: --Powered by Blogger I never droven drove lloyd anywhere that i know of
Posted by mark at 11:20 PM 0 comments

nimbusters RiP?
woger favortie hangout online is finaly dead in part from the woger contant trashing final straw being the sick jerks making remarks about Holstein baby digusting stuff form severl posters there perhaps including woger himselfit iw ill be interesting to see what the reult is for usenet of Woger not having nimbusters to make his vile posts in
Posted by mark at 6:15 PM 0 comments

see the HF blog for coment on UP net it in after some tweaking of my anntenna
Posted by mark at 5:09 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 16, 2007

the lord of the rigs From ukra
Three Rigs for the eham kings under the sky,Seven for the Big Farmer in his halls of stone, Channel Nine for REACT Men doomed to die,One for the Dark Lord, lucifer on his dark throne In the Land of Potters bar where the Shadows lie.One Rig to rule them all, One Rig to find them, One Rig to bring them all and in the darkness bind themIn the Land of Motorola where the Shadows lie.Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mailNNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:54:16 -0500From: "G1LVN" <>Newsgroups: <o_EKh.604$>Subject: One Radio to rule them allDate: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:54:21 -0000X-Priority: 3X-MSMail-Priority: NormalX-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1807X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1807Message-ID: <>Lines: 18NNTP-Posting-Host: NoAuthUserX-Trace: sv3-BkI069jmeSI8NPlmg9mA45NN2VRzpIkQthotkVpx0cX4xB8hr4ki3m++rmzzRz07EWx7PlKsobEABrM!cpec7jUCPWNHg8nH4SkIJ5FUHZcrT/tAJ+AIxo7NiShXSNyleJyOM8vnQFRPghuDX-Complaints-To: abuse@btinternet.comX-DMCA-Complaints-To: abuse@btinternet.comX-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headersX-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properlyX-Postfilter: 1.3.34Xref:"Jim GM4DHJ" <> wrote in messagenews:o_EKh.604$>>> Three Rigs for the eham kings under the sky, Seven for the Big Farmer in his halls of stone, Channel Nine for REACT Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord, lucifer on his dark throne In the Land of Potters bar where the Shadows lie. One Rig to rule them all, One Rig to find them, One Rig to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Motorola where the Shadows lie.
Posted by mark at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

another hack job by Dloyd can't even follow what I am doing let alone coment on itI repserve my coments here lest Dloyd delete themmark said...keep to keep up with FCC rules VE sesion no longer need to be anouncedDloyd you neeed to futehr I was quoting the VE team leader who said he not schecle a session desite promising to do if desired that was a avable it is avable virtauly 24/7 since it is controled by the one of the clubs sponsering the teamyou should apolgize for distoring my remark I refer to deed in seperate coment for the sake of clearnessMarch 13, 2007 9:36 AM mark said...first you should apologize to dee for lying about her you won't of oucourseBut I do not call Dee a Pocoder for calling me morkie which was the deliberate insult of Robeson he has been doing it for yearsInstead I call dee a Procoder becuase she was by here own statement a procoderI did imply she jioned Roesbon in making an attack I sated so plainlyas to offending my wife My wife read the remarks and how Dee handled them and was offended making my statemen that dee offended my wife a true statementI did not alleged Dee advocated stalking me I allege she particaptes in itMarch 13, 2007 9:40 AM
Posted by mark at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 11, 2007

I do wish robeson would get a life
firday I guess he took the day offpost 50 of shit posts and inspired his sock puppet allies to rave all weekend
Posted by mark at 1:07 AM 4 comments
Thursday, March 08, 2007

well finaly got a new anttena up last night
hope to try it out after I run some errands
Posted by mark at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 05, 2007

just preserving a death threat incase I need to reference it
Path:!!!!!!!!!not-for-mailFrom: "Dloyd Lavies" <>Newsgroups: Re: Thank God for the Moderated Group.Date: 5 Mar 2007 11:07:37 -0800Organization: 111Message-ID: <>References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>NNTP-Posting-Host: 1.0Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"X-Trace: 1173121678 32352 (5 Mar 2007 19:07:58 GMT)X-Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.comNNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 19:07:58 +0000 (UTC)In-Reply-To: <>User-Agent: G2/1.0X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)X-HTTP-Via: HTTP/1.1 (Velocity/1.3.32 [uScMs f p eN:t cCMp s ]), HTTP/1.1 Turboweb [mtc-tc021 8.4.1], HTTP/1.1[400C740A] (Traffic-Server/6.1.5 [uScM])Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.comInjection-Info:; posting-host=; posting-account=44lSvgwAAABvHYUREW4nSq_tyQTQBSmtXref: Mar 5, 10:56?am, "an_old_friend" <> wrote:> where is it allow to defame someone as porper or to forge their name> or violate the lawWho is defaming you? I started this thread about the moderated group,you hijacked MY thread, and you took it off topic. Everything that Ihave posted is based upon my view and observation of the posts on hereand responses to specific posts. If you don't like it, you can take aquarter and call someone who cares.If a law has been broken, call the law. You know what law has beenbroken, none.And who has forged a name. Dloyd Lavies is my pen name, many authorshave pen names, it is legal. Don't try to play lawyer, it is apparentthat you have no legal training whatsoever because you throw acusitorylegal terms around without knowing the implications of such terms.> you do not enage in on topic post that is a violation of neNG policyYou are blabbering something about a violation of NG policy, but yourfumble fingers has made it unreadable, but I will address one policyviolation issue, which is your excessive posting. Your excessiveposting is a violation of Google Groups Policy, because if you posteddirectly into the group instead of a news server and using all of yourdifferent names, you access to post would be limited. It is apparentthat you post using one name until you are suspended, then you startusing another, just to flood the group with your posts.Google Groups Help CenterIs there a limit on how often I can post?Yes, there are a few ways in which posting frequency is limited. Onelimits the number of messages posted to a single group within a shortperiod of time. If that limit is reached, posting to that group willbe frozen temporarily and you'll be instructed to post again later.Another limits the number of messages a single user can post via emailin a short period of time. If that limit is reached, your postingaccount will be disabled. If your account has been disabled, you canclick the "contact us" link below and request that your account bereactivated. We'll review your request, and let you know what wedecide.We may also limit the number of messages a single user or computer canpost via our website in a short period of time. If that limit isreached, posting will be frozen temporarily and you'll be instructedto post again later.Please note, we are unable to provide the exact numbers that triggerthese posting limits as the limits are subject to change.These limits are to protect the users of our service and their emailaccounts, our groups, and the Usenet community from poorly configuredauto-responders, spammers, robots, trolls, and thread hijacking.Google Groups.> id tell you in heartbeat and you'd do nothing> Don't bet your life on can find anytime you like Id rather you did not esp now it wouldbe rough getting the blood up off the snowWhat blood, you would be on your knees in about a 10 seconds withontany blood at all. I saw your photo, no problem. The goal is to applya lot of pain without any residual evidence of such force. Many lawenforcement agencies and federal employers, such as my former, provideexcellent training in the application of these techniques. But ofcourse, this requires me to actually touch you, but you appear to beway too filthy and dirty that I would ever want to touch your. Doever take a bath? I bet LLoyd is cleaner than you.> > if you did you'd be dead or in jail shortly thereafter> Well if you killed me because I was kicking your ass, that means you> would be guilty of murder, so you would end up in jail for life.nope. indeed I don't have to wait for the first blow to land,althought that would be safer legalySure Markie, that defense would not stand a chance in any district orjudical circuit in the US, even in the 8th circuit.Like I said, it is apparent that you have no legal trainingwhatsoever.>not the case in MichiganActually, Michigan is one of the more liberal circuits, you betterhave significant evidence to warrant justifiable homicide. The courtswould put you away forever if you try to say "oh he was giving me ahard time on the internet after I shit on everyone's postings, and Iwas scared, so I killed him even though he had no weapons. You aresuch an idiot.>>stop whining like a little bitch just because you can't poison the moderated group.>I don't want to poison any NG please stop lying about meNo lie, you flooding policy and misc. is evidence enough of your handywork.Dloyd Lavies, Sweat Lord and Talk Show Buffoon "In the Domestic Rear"
Posted by mark at 2:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 04, 2007

latest from punce blog funny for a change
Posted by mark at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 03, 2007

more current ops
mostly waiting for better weather to put up anttenas still looking for my first non local VOICE qso on HF
Posted by mark at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 25, 2007

an account of hf weekend part 1 delayed report
well things stared out pretty dead at midmight as expected at 12:10 a gruop of my then gathered to tlak to each other on 10M I arranged that my wife should have the honor of the first qsofirday morning set for Eat Troy where my father in law lives trying out my new 10 m adio as I went made a few conacts as I went south , biggest observation was the noise level arround around even smal cities like Like Green Bay WI Milwakee the noise was just horrible and I truned the radio off as I had managed to arive at rush hour turned it on a bit as I pulled out of townsat morning scruiied into AES for the exam place was a Zoo a very good sight for the ARSmust have 40-50 people starting out taking exams which did not count the paperwork upgrades being handled in another room and people keep coming in Indeed after I took my geneal (passed) and extra exam (which I fialed one too many this time not suprised) there was someone waiting for my chairdropped in AES itself to pick up some stuff and headed home made a few more contactrs on the way all preetlocal although I did hear from the LP of Michigan possible on VHF but not commonit is now sunday about noon time to turn on the radio here and see what is upI'd sting the new G5RV-M up but it is very windy today and the thing is 200 feet long should have check that and maybe picked a smaller anttenna like a 20 m DipoleKB9RQZ/ag
Posted by mark at 11:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

29 hour more or less
my old Nemises Robeson confuses he want to make a big deal out of the fact have no interest in trying to manage an unlike qso with him on air after his decade long (thereabouts effort to anoy and harass me?
Posted by mark at 7:07 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

49 hours 45 mintues to go
Posted by mark at 11:14 PM 0 comments

58 hours to go or thereabouts
yes a countdown it is MY blog after all
Posted by mark at 3:40 PM 0 comments

2 days
wel 2 more days to D-Day pataince is strained but it will happen soon enough
Posted by mark at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 18, 2007

4 days
ran into from of freinds in wal mart another excited tech looking forward to the day helped her solve a painfull techincial problem with her new 10/12m mobile sation feels a bit strnge that a gagale of female hams (MTU students) keeps asking my help but it is flattering and the experence of elmering is an interesting one it is hard to understand how Hams could get away from it but I know I never had the experenced of being elemered realy with some of this I feel a bit out of my depth such recomending hf radios when I have little more real expernce than they but I have poured over what one you can buy new
Posted by mark at 9:57 PM 1 comments

another of the passion haters of me is it just another of the same jerk hard to tell his blog is amusing like the others that have been created to attack me over the last few yearsthe picture he is using is stolen from another Ham Lloyd Davies who he hates but wishes to be seen asthese guys are nuts so be warnedone last thing half the posts they claim are from ain't the guy is cobbing together stuff trying to emulate me
Posted by mark at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 16, 2007

6 days till day
well it was bound to happen qso with ME or be labeled a cowardas if I, or any other nocoder, would want to QSO with him
Posted by mark at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

8 days
and counting to day Looking forward to it but Adonai grant me pataince but please hurry
Posted by mark at 1:27 AM 1 comments

poor whiners
they foolishly gave me control of their attack blog on th 20 dec and the promised accroos the web that I was going to jail for itI have seen no cop just a note from Blogger than the blog belongs to the email address given in it creation processand in this it was one my emails
Posted by mark at 1:19 AM 2 comments

lord of the tech
3 remotes for the old network on the air7 remotes for the techogeek in their halls of chrome9 remote for mortal men doomed to be confused1 rmote for the techlord on his dark thonein the land or Recordor where the shadows lie1 remote to rule them all 1 remote to find them1 remote to bring them and drakness blind themin the land or Recordor where the shadows liecopyright 2007with no apolgies to JRRTolkein it was just something the sprit forced me to write
Posted by mark at 1:07 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

day 9
missed a day some how amazing how time crawls when you are waiting for somethingI suppose the experence is to give us a taste of what it was like back in the days you had to wait your license by US Snailpersonaly Id prefer to pass on the experence
Posted by mark at 1:19 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 11, 2007

11 days to go
nothing but the normal sniping on RRAP and QRZ truly youd think it iwas the end of the worldwife and I have worked out I will venture off to a VE session that weekend alone since the weather is so frightfull nowit will eb the first trip I have made over night since we finshed moving up here although she has been severl time to see her mother father a trip to NM we will be seeing just how well 10m work as I pull away intot he distance
Posted by mark at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 10, 2007

one last studied insult by the ARRL
the ARRL ever eagar to insult the tech class and the NoCoders in general has scheluded one last insult code tests on the Eve the begining of the new Eraby there deeds we know and will long remember this last (I hope last prehaps the ARRL divise some further insult)from The ARRL Letter, Vol 26, No 06 Website: on February 9, 2007 View comments about this article! W1AW Special Event, Midnight Exam Sessions to Mark New Amateur Rules:As new Amateur Radio Service rules phase in Friday, February 23, eliminating the Morse code requirement, Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station W1AW will mark the milestone with a weekend-long special event. In addition, a number of Central Connecticut volunteer examiners will be on hand at ARRL Headquarters -- both before and after the new rules become effective at 12:01 AM EST -- to offer Amateur Radio examinations under the current and new rules. ARRL Regulatory Information Specialist Dan Henderson, N1ND, is helping to coordinate the celebration. He says Headquarters staff and other volunteers will keep W1AW active for the "Welcome Weekend" event. "W1AW will be on the air all weekend for this special event to celebrate the fact that so many amateurs have gained or will earn new privileges as a result of the rule changes," he said. "The station will operate starting at 12:01 AM Eastern Time on Friday, February 23, continuing into the wee hours and resuming operation during the day. Then W1AW will be on the air on both days of the weekend, from 10 AM until 5 PM -- perhaps longer as conditions and enthusiasm dictate." Operation will be on both SSB and CW. W1AW operators will concentrate their activities on the Technician and General class HF subbands. On SSB, the station will use its normal phone frequencies -- 1.811, 3.990, 7.290, 14.290, 18.160 and 21.390 MHz. On 10 meters, W1AW will operate SSB on or about 28.480 MHz. Henderson says operating will be casual unless pileups develop. "The purpose is to welcome newcomers to new privileges," he said. "First Contact" certificates will be available as part of this event. ARRL invites anyone making a first contact or first HF contact to enter the contact information on the ARRL "Welcome Weekend" Web site and receive a certificate in return. "If the first contact is with W1AW we will also be including a W1AW QSL card for the contact," Henderson added. The ARRL anticipates a huge influx of upgrade applications once the Morse code requirement disappears. In addition, all Technician licensees will have limited HF privileges starting February 23, whether or not they've passed a Morse code test. Amateur Radio exam sessions both before and after the zero hour will offer an opportunity for applicants either to upgrade under the outgoing licensing rules at the last possible opportunity or under the new licensing rules at the first possible opportunity. "Dual exam sessions are scheduled at ARRL Headquarters around the effective time of the new licensing rules," says Brennan Price, N4QX, a former ARRL staff member and an ARRL VEC volunteer examiner. "At 11 PM on February 22, a session will be held for candidates wishing to upgrade under the existing rules. A few folks have expressed interest in such a session." Price says all Amateur Radio written and telegraphy elements will be offered until midnight. "At 12:01 AM February 23, a second session will begin under the new licensing rules," he said. "Examiners will not only be evaluating previously earned Certificates of Successful Completion of Exam (CSCEs) for upgrades, but will be offering all written elements." Two teams of volunteer examiners will be on site until all applicants have been served. On or after February 23, applicants upgrading on the basis of a valid CSCE must present the certificate for element credit, fill out an application and pay any applicable exam session fee, which most VECs charge. Only after the VE team has issued a CSCE for upgrade credit may applicants actually use their new operating privileges on the air. Additional details and more information will be available on the ARRL Web site in the days leading up to February 23. Source: The ARRL Letter Vol. 26, No. 06 February 9, 2007
Posted by mark at 12:12 AM 2 comments
Friday, February 09, 2007

14 days and counting
not much going one just reading the shit put out by the OT's and it is shit today insisting somehow the astronuat ham status vis v code testing wa responsibleIOW the normal sort of sick vile stuff hurled at the techs day after dayit isn't funny and never was
Posted by mark at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 08, 2007

dday minus 15
well another day passes and another day closer to the the day everything is ready to go
Posted by mark at 11:42 PM 2 comments

what is the problem re editorial policy
I dind it amusing that insisting that the coments on my Blog be on topic is such a hardship to people that they coment on RRAP about itone is since the topic is radio the coment needs to be radio related IOW calling my wife a shemale in response to a post about my new radio or the end of code testing just doesn't make it.two, posting a dozen coment s becuase you have not noticed that coments are moderated to prevent the above abuse will get most of your coments dumped in the bit bucket I will choose which of your coments gets through in that casethree I will not post your coment if I consider it libelous against a third party, My wife My father my father inlaw and the esp the makers of the gear I buy and use' so saying "ranger sucks...." don't make it either four spam don't make it either although I supose if you are selling something I migh t seel you a posting or accept some other arrangementin general nothing about sexuality is going to make it to this blog although I am condsidering authoring such a blog in the future, a na excepttion might be coments about some repost of a post I might here but that is case by case
Posted by mark at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

16 day till d-day and news from the club meeting
was an interesting clube meeting tonight here in the Copper Country6 new memeber long term techs that have never realy jioned the club. 5 New ham (having taken their tests since the NPRM) showed up2 folks showed that are students at the local college took thier exams over the previous weekend so they don't know their calls yet1 new unlicnsed propective ham
Posted by mark at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 05, 2007

17 days to go
another day toward to the end of code testinganother of wondering just recection the techs will on HF
Posted by mark at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 04, 2007

much by those that hate me so run by folks that seem to think i am somehow required to help them attack my wife and myself"the Blog" is more refelctive of the bigotries of the writer than any version of reality in my life
Posted by mark at 7:35 PM 0 comments

d-day minus 18 day
and countingdebating how many minutes after midnight i want to wait on the feb 23 before trying to make a contact I don't want to seem to egar after all
Posted by mark at 4:49 PM 2 comments

get it straight fellows
I welcome coment that are on the subject of the blog postI reject your repeated posting that my wife is a she male and that sort of crap
Posted by mark at 2:52 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 03, 2007

an interetsing happening at a hamfest
My wife (kd8ctl) and were at a ham fest she picked up a curious looking item and asked me what what it was, I did not recnize it she looked at at a mintue said it might a c appiter and sure enough it it was a big one given she is a fina rts major and has learned what she knows about electronics from Me and Gordon west mostly I was impressed even if she did show sho me up a bit in my own feild
Posted by mark at 11:09 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 02, 2007

tsk tsk children
trying to post a a dozen or so insulting coments to this blog just doesn't work since i moderate them it is a also a rude thing to do to your hostI will add it seems interesting that there are those that want to want i have an oblibigation to assit them in comiting a crime where I myself would be the victum of that crime
Posted by mark at 7:02 PM 1 comments

day minus 21 days
21 days from now is it the end of code testing and the end of this long battle or at least the battle changes locations to onair assertion of our new found gains
Posted by mark at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

the fat lady apeareance has been anounced
the R&O has apeared on the public inspection roster of the federal register so the fat lady is tuning up to sing
Posted by mark at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 22, 2007

ah well not today
I was hoping that the R&O would come out today giving us no code for my birthday
Posted by mark at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 19, 2007

the date is Set?
the ARRL claim to have knowledge that the R&O will published on jan 24 2007 making for an effective date of 23 feb 2007from
Posted by mark at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

some nice word from the Pres (or his staff)
found on I assume it is from the ARRL letter or something like thatNEWINGTON, CT, Jan 16, 2007 -- President George W. Bush has written the ARRL to recognize the just-ended Hello Amateur Radio public relations campaign and to extend "greetings to all those celebrating 100 years of voices over the airwaves." The president said the centennial of Reginald Fessenden's landmark Christmas Eve 1906 voice broadcast "opened the door for technological advances" that improved the lives of people around the world. "I appreciate all who work in radio, and I am grateful to the Amateur Radio operators who provide emergency communications that help make our country safer and more secure," President Bush wrote. "Your good work strengthens our society and represents the American spirit."
Posted by mark at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

on my capture of the spamblog a creation of someone person or persons unknown to me but they made the mistake of using one of my real email addies to on the blog and in seting it so the posting of coments to the blog would result in them being emailed it and it become clear Google would not honor the ToS I simply used the tool the blogger was using to harass me and gain control of . then I deleted the ofensinve cotent and left the blog that sit there nowif you want to report me the feds go for it that you were using the blog to harrass and libel me I can't see where a crime was coimited but you know I have the guts to say go for it
Posted by mark at 12:52 AM 2 comments

latest of the mocking bird product of some jealous freak desperate to mock but clearly afraid of methey are so desperate to mock and think their crap will enagrge into saying thing they find amusing but they don't have a cluethe "blog" is worth reading for laughsi will be keeping an eye on it
Posted by mark at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 14, 2007

new hate blog another effrt to harrass me but it shows more of the mental illness of th emakers of these frauds
Posted by mark at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007

the farce of the alleged discusion of a New Moderated RRAP
below a copy of one the moderation mesages received about comenting on the proposalFrom : Reply-To : Sent : Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:01 PM To : Subject : Re: RFD: moderated Inbox -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA1Your submission has been rejected because it is off-topic in thenewsgroup news.groups.proposals. This newsgroup is for theannouncement, discussion, and development of active proposals forchanges to the Big 8 hierarchies, as documented at. Discussion begins in news.groups.proposalswhen the Request for Discussion (RFD) is posted innews.announce.newgroups and continues until a decision is announced.Common topics that do not belong in news.groups.proposals include:- Discussion of world events or "the news" - see talk.current-events- Proposals for alt.* or other non-Big-8 hierarchies - see alt.configor the appropriate regional config newsgroup- "How do I do X with my newsreader?" - see news.newusers.questionsThe charter of news.groups.proposals is at .Please direct your queries to you,- Moderator.============================================ Full text of your message follows> From Thu Jan 11 09:48:06 2007> Return-Path: > Received: from ( [])> by (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id l0BEm5t4004806> for ; Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:48:06 -0500> Received: from [] (> by with esmtp (Exim 4.50)> id 1H51Dk-0002Io-Ab> for; Thu, 11 Jan 2007 15:48:00 +0100> Received: from G018037> by with ESMTP id l0BElxpE030292> for ; Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:47:59-0800> Received: (from news@localhost)> by Google Production with id l0BElxHf007889> for; Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:47:59 -0800> To:> From: "an old freind" > Newsgroups: news.groups.proposals,> Subject: Re: RFD: moderated> Organization:> Message-ID: <>> References: > <>> > Mime-Version: 1.0> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"> X-Trace: 1168526879 7883 (11 Jan 2007 14:47:59GMT)> X-Complaints-To:> NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 14:47:59 +0000 (UTC)> User-Agent: G2/1.0> X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR1.1.4322),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)> Complaints-To:> Injection-Info:; posting-host=;> posting-account=5Yl6pg0AAADpwOMWiAfWEILF9IbswBYm> Received-SPF: unknown ( error in processing duringlookup of> > > Jonathan Kamens wrote:> > "an old freind" writes:> > >is it going to realy permited to coment on this propasal> >> > Yes.> >> > >I have made 4> > >posts so far none have either been posted nor has anything returned to> > >my email box saying that the post has been rejected> >> > Rejection notices were sent to for the articles> > that were rejected. I have confirmed from examining the server logs> > that those notices were successfully delivered to hotmail's servers. I> > of course can't comment on what happened to them after that.> >> > Your previous two submissions (two, not four) were rejected both> > because you quoted the entire RFD in your response and because you were> > uncivil.> > a quote from new message> > "Your submission has been rejected because it is off-topic in the> newsgroup news.groups.proposals. This newsgroup is for the> announcement, discussion, and development of active proposals for> changes to the Big 8 hierarchies, as documented at> . Discussion begins in news.groups.proposals> when the Request for Discussion (RFD) is posted in> news.announce.newgroups and continues until a decision is announced."> > something is wrong here One this does not jibe with YOUR statement nor> does it make any sense how could a discussion of the proposed NG be off> topic-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (GNU/Linux)iD8DBQFFplFWrPkQbuk9hdsRAjTUAKCskgCYCnrqfkIaVYRsl+7H8eJXiACgserhvPstXVWDZveUqDTod0JNkPQ==oyQ9-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Inbox
Posted by mark at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

global warming?
finaly seeing what looks like the first real snow of hthe season today on jan9 till now we have had a light snow cover aways threatening to let us see our yard one last time this seaswe ave 2 inches of new snow I wnonder how much will indeed fall
Posted by mark at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

an interesting sight for a kosher Ham
I have been watching with interest the recent cyber terror attacks directed aginst the neoNAZI's like and and other NeoNAI ayran nation type groups. It satrted with massive efforts to overload Hal turners server(s) and has spread to others amusing that seems unaffectedthe prerps in this intereternet seem to be although some darkly suggest that various WN or NeoNazis are responible I doubt the latter as it would seem beyond their ken although each Figure is trying to exploit the matter for any benfit they can direve from itso i watch and wait to see what developesas I belive the rest of us should
Posted by mark at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

well it is new year
although it hardly seems to be the new year still waiting for the FCC to finsh actingstill watching the insane raving of the ProCoders still receieving death threats over emailah well things will look up soon enough
Posted by mark at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

still on coments
coment are accepted but if you want to abuse ME on my blog forget it it ain't seeing the light of dayotherwise the comment needs to relate to the postif you want someplace to post about the Code well try
Posted by mark at 11:18 PM 0 comments

amazing the the efforts that Wismen goes to to publicize something that is not secert
I am bisexaul if that offends you sadly that I feel is your problem not mine I have enough to do just living my life without obessing over who may be sleeping with whome or even what. yes I don't care if someone is indeed sheep shagging so to say as long as they own the sheep in question
Posted by mark at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

well thing are finaly claming down
only geting a death threat a day now but still
Posted by mark at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006

a rejoiner to "now you are HF active"
first I thank the author for his thought wether or I not I agree with you I do respect.OTOH I simply feel you and others have failed to understand what you were up against in the Code test fight which I don't consider quite over yet, anymore than "mission acomlished" was the end of the Iraq war. I exepct indeed my inbox have receieved a number of threast if I dare use my new found prevledges, some of these are threats to murder me, my family, my dog my inlaws, (and I truly wish I were kidding I have gotten all of those threats and more since THE DAY) Till I am able to operate on the Air the battle is not over. I did not take part in this fight only to lose the resulting "peace" I know full well I will encounter jamming of my signals. I do now from time to time on VHF and up, I know this will presistThe question you pose begs the question: why do I want to use this mode? I spent year in my youth trying and failing to obtain a Novice License, the experence of 5 year trying and failing is certainly incentive to try again 20 some almost 30 year older than when I started. And suppose you had a wand that over come that and sudden allow my brain to process these signals: what then do I gain? one more mode amoug many others? one I must lisstrain to hear through static? if I am straining to hear throught the static I I am seeking the reward of seeking Human Contact. Morse Coded CW offers me only the interent chatroom plus the noise of HF. it hardly seems worth it.If I were to take this step (which in may case I think beyond any ability I have anything close close to the time to expend on) who do I get to "talk" to the same people I least want to contact are amoug them.People call me lazy because I don't want to spend even more effort than I have. to a point I supose that is fair, but I would contend this is the crux of the Code debate. I don't value effort for efforts sake. I value efofrts vs results I.E. Profit, yes the Kosher Ham is capitalist Pig and proud of it. I want the most return from my effort in the case of Our Hobby (which has it service overtones etc) I want to to maximize the return. and no matter how I try to look at it. I see MorseCoded CW as a poor risk and bad investment.I am banned from QRZ for saying basicaly 'never stop.. never stop fighting till the fight is done" the code war is not yet over, indeed sadly I fear i may never live to see the end of that war even though I am 42 and pretty good health. The fight will be over when the ARS is aplce i can operate on the air with it being resasonable bet that I may entouer some the proCoder retain their chip the size of RMS Titanic on their shoulders. then war is over, how long is up the side the did not prevail in working of this republicps I have been reading most of the stuff on qrz on this matter the original piece is about the only I realy felt was worth comenting on
Posted by mark at 3:24 PM 0 comments

an interesting piece of writing from
TITLE: "SO NOW YOU'RE HF-ACTIVE" © Heath Roberts, KE5FRF With permission granted by the author to distribute with appropriate intellectual credit. "Wow, I never thought this day would come. The FCC finally flexed its regulatory muscle and notified the world that US Amateur Radio operators will no longer be required to pass a Morse code proficiency test to indulge in the world below 50 Mhz. What does this mean for ME?" This is a fair an honest question that many Technician class amateurs will be faced with in the coming weeks and months as American hams learn to accept the end of a long standing tradition and the beginning of a new era. It is natural to be excited about the new privileges that you will be granted. You are eager to plan your new HF station, purchase some new gear, and maybe even erect a tower and directional antenna for that DX band you've been hearing such great things about. There is so much out there to do and be a part of, you don't know where to begin. I can assure you, this is a road that everyone has traveled in their quest as an amateur operator, code or not. You'll be certain to receive the wise counsel of some older fellow who has more than a few tips to share. A friend who upgraded his license to General last year will offer his insight into propagation and techniques for busting a pile-up. The local club will be offering a class on operating procedures. No worries, for there is a lot of resources at your disposal. All you must do is display a willingness to learn. As exciting as the news is for you and as eager as you are, you can't help but wonder what mode you will like the best. Everyone says that PSK-31 offers the most efficient use of the spectrum and can cut through a host of propagation conditions that other modes can't. You saw an Extra class ham on Field Day working a digital station and this was the mode he used. It was interesting and he sure looked like he was having fun, but it kind of reminded you of an internet chat room like QRZ.COM. Your buddy, the guy who upgraded his license before the new rules, swears that SSB is the most fun mode. He barely squeaked by on his code test and never looked back. He regularly checks into the WAS nets and is close to his goal on 80 meters and already confirmed 40 meters. There certainly won't be a lack of new friends to make on phone. Hmm...Maybe this will become your favorite mode too. But there's one other fellow who keeps showing up and offering you suggestions that make a lot of sense but you're just not sure if you have it in you. He's the local CW guru and he spent the last two years coaxing you to master the code before the requirement was dropped, but you failed to heed his advice. You know it is probably too late to learn it now, the new rules go into effect next week, but you must admit that with the "pressure" off the idea of casually studying the code is intriguing. You've read some stuff on the internet about colorful figures in the history of amateur radio and telegraphy like Hiram Percy Maxim and T.R. McElroy. You've watched your CW friend use his Blue Racer during a contest and were fascinated by his skills. You feel a certain connection to this storied tradition even when you tap out "SOS" on your desk with your index finger. What is stopping you from turning your years of procrastination into something you think might benefit you in the long run? My friend the answer is simple. Nothing is stopping you, nothing at all except the same thing that hindered every CW op who ever "dit his first dah." Learning Morse code is a work in progress. It is an endeavor of achievement that has a certain beginning but no real end. No matter what skill level your CW associates may brag to possess, they all make mistakes and have plenty of room for improvement. Just knowing this should set your mind at ease and give you inspiration! Yep, you finally got that new HF rig via UPS delivery. The tower isn't up yet, but you managed to hoist a coax fed dipole into the old oak tree in the back yard. You cut it for 40 meters in hopes that it will offer the most playing time at this point in the sunspot cycle. Everything is hooked up and ready to go. Power "ON"....Shschshhhschhtishahshhi....Static. "Hmmm what frequency is that? Oh, out of band."....Zzschshizzz...dadidadit dadadidah...dadidadit dadadidah. Oh boy, you recognize that familiar sound. Someone is calling CQ in code. Well, at least you know your antenna and feed line are working ok. Tune up...tune down...tune up. Nothing but static crashes and faint voices. You can't make anything out. Everything seems to be in order, filters configured for SSB. This is 40 meters, and you are on the lower sideband. "Oh well, I guess the band is dead". So you tune back down to the CW sub band. Amazingly, as you move back to that CQ frequency, you must hear at least three ongoing QSOs along the way. Two of them are way to fast to make heads or tails, but one guy is sending slow enough that even YOU can copy a few of his characters. "Wow", you think. "I could do THAT!" You put the headphones on and lean back in your chair, close your eyes, and listen to the rhythm. You only know a handful of letters...S,O,C,Q....uh..uh...well SOS and CQ...but you are amazed that every time you hear these characters you immediately recognize them. "Hey, 26 letters in the alphabet, and I already know four!" You think to yourself, "Not bad." My friend, you've just been bitten by the bug. There is a mystery behind all of those funny tones in the ether, and we've all found a childlike fascination with them at some point. You stand on the threshold of letting it be more than a fleeting interest. You have an opportunity before you to affiliate yourself with a tradition that has stood the test of time, and will stand strong many, many more years despite the actions of the Commission. Will you be just another op who jumps on board the sideband rollercoaster of QRM and static, or will you take the time to learn and develop a skill that will stay with you a lifetime? This message is brought to you in hopes that you will consider the opportunities that CW brings. There is a large group of hams young and old whose only desire is to see the art and skill of telegraphy passed on for as long as it is feasible. Back before the FCC R&O, many of these folks seemed abrasive, but you must realize that they knew this day was coming but wanted nothing more than to delay it for as long as they could. Their desire is not to hold back deserving and ambitious hams that have much to offer. It never was. They simply seek to maintain the traditions which are the history of this hobby. They want to preserve and foster a mode of communication that they love and are proud to be a part of. Were their concerns and their motivations so unworthy? Next time you fire up that brand new rig and hear the tell-tale music of Samuel Morse's creation, think about these things, and consider getting in touch with that fellow with the Vibroplex. I'm sure he'll be glad to invite you to his shack to show off his bug collection, and no doubt he'd be the first to take the time out to teach you those other 22 letters and some numbers to boot. Just think about it. --------------73, Heath/KE5FRF A wise man once said: "Let her take everything she wants, the house, the car...just not the ham gear"MEMBER: ARRL, SPAR SKCC#1940American Legion MemberEchoLink Node#268023
Posted by mark at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

a victory for the kosher Ham
one of the nutjobos on the Net have been runing a blog I have reffered to before today I manged to grab controll of the site thus deleted the garbage posted there
Posted by mark at 8:23 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 17, 2006

it is interest in that same way watching a train wreck is interesting
I have surfing the coment on the furom result from IT happening god they gave these folks licenses ahead of me and they post that stuff and expect respect from MEwhew It is nice to have won the war on Code testing I wish it is not cost either side as much as it did but that was not my choicehopefully we can begin to build a new ARS that is more positive than the gallons of sour grapes juice they are spillingand people think i can be depressing
Posted by mark at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 16, 2006

IT is done
it is in the hebrew calander the 25 of Kislev year 5767, inother words it is the first day of Hanukah, the festival of light celebrating the miracle of buring oilwht has this got to do with HF you might ask? gald you did. yesterday the 24 of kislev 5767 the FCC came out with it's report and order ending Morse Codeit also gave me as I read a a nice hanukah present bothe end of code testing and some hf today
Posted by mark at 11:46 PM 0 comments
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